Sunday, June 19, 2011

Its been months

I was very busy with school and had done loads of writing for my english class, so i was not interested in writing about food or life. So im on summer vacation i have been for about 3 weeks now. I have been eating what ever i wanted and working out not soo much. Tomorrow though i am starting INSANITY. For those of you that have no idea what INSANITY is, it is an extreme 60 day work out.
So i thought to go along with INSANITY i would also try and up my RAW food intake and try and be a vegan. Now im am already a vegetarian and i love my dairy and eggs. So i will allow myself to still eat eggs and dairy but not as much and only if it is healthy. So i start tomorrow and i am excited.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

a couple pounds lost energy gained

so i weighed myself today and i weigh 130, (i started out being 132 going into the fast)
so i have lost 2 pounds in 4 days! plus my energy is back and so far this has been a great little start to a long journey! Now the first couple of days those were the hardest! now im getting used to being filled up with my smoothies and i can even work out without getting too hungry after words.
Yesterday i ran a mile and a half and then did 20 mini stadiums ( on my stair case)
and i felt amazing.
now im not planning to do that everyday right now maybe just every other day.
But so far i feel great! a few cravings for cake (chocolate coffee cake to be exact)but other then that nothing
my consantration has also improved and im not tired all the time!
4 days down and 36 more to go!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Frank loves being RAW

i have to make his vegies in a smoothie, but he loves it! im soo happy!

It will be ok

so yesterday when my dad and I took Frank to the vets office they said he has a little bit of arthritis and his heart and spleen are enlarged. now I was feeling better when the vet told me it was just arthritis but when she told me about the enlarged heart and spleen my hear sank 30 feet. Now we give him pills for his pain and his heart. AND HE IS GOING TO GO RAW!!
thats right i knew about raw food for dogs for a while but never really tried it.
so this morning i gave him raw chicken breast and raw vegies. of corse he inhaled the chicken but the vegies he just pushed to the side.
So from now on its smoothied vegies FIRST then raw meat second!
so i cant wait to see if this new diet will help him out with his poor old body. i have high hopes that it will.
wish Frank luck!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

very sad news.

last night before i went to bed my dog yelped as my dad was picking him up. we thought it was a muscle cramp and massaged him. then it happened again an hour later so we massaged him again.
this morning he kept yelping after he would get up from i know its not a muscle cramp.
im taking him to the vets office today to se whats really wrong with him but i think i already know
its bone cancer.
i know bone cancer happens to mainly larger dogs and my dog is a small dog but im almost sure thats what it is.
im very upset that i know most likely we will have to put him down.
he is 11 year old dachshund and i got him when i was in 3rd grade and now im in 12th grade! I hope im wrong and its only a sprain.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

the last supper

so today in fact right now i just finished eating my last supper until the end of the 40 days of Lent!
im going to be doing my smoothie/juice fast. right now im thinking about starting the fast with a few days of smoothies then next week ill do the master cleanse for a few days then start a juice fast.
I honestly cant wait to start. im going to do plenty of yoga and just try and stay relaxed :)
my stomach needs a break and so does my mind.
WISH ME LUCK ill even try to post videos on youtube and try to post everyday on here to tell you how well or bad im doing!
love you!

The last meals

so since today is my LAST day of eating any kind of solid foods im going to make it count!
breakfast im have a slice of sourdough bread and some eggs with vegan sausage. lunch idk what im having still maybe just V8 juice not sure. then dinner im having the rest of my vegetarian menudo and the rest of my raw "sushi" ( no there is no fish in it) so thats what im having. i cant wait till tomorrow though i hope i make it!

Monday, March 7, 2011

40 days of fasting

So lent is almost around the corner and im giving up ALL SOLID FOODS and a day of being on the computer. so im going on a smoothie/juice fast and im going to do as much yoga and relaxing workouts as possible. im really excited and a bit scared i hope i make it through it!! and of course everyday i will try and pray.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

the sourdough loaves

they came out great!!! super good.  this is them before i baked them.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

raw blueberry pie and sourdough starter.

so yesterday evening i handmade coconut cream and butter, and while i was making it i was thinking
"this is the last time i am EVER making this!" BUT today i made the raw blueberry pie and used the coconut milk and butter and i think it might be worth all the work, i will see later on this evening when i have a slice!
 now moving on to bread world this morning after i fed it and stirred it around it bubbled just a little but still  didnt look anything like everyone elses sourdough starter online ( A VOLCANO IN A JAR!!) so i added a pinch of yeast and some distilled water and a pinch of sugar and well it may not be a roaring volcano it is bubbling A LOT more and i am much happier! I HOPE IT TURNS OUT GOOD and i HOPE THAT THE RAW BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE TASTES GOOD!!